E3S in 60 seconds

With just three weeks to go before we open the doors to E3S 2019, here’s an easily digestible rundown of what to expect…

It all kicks off at 9.30am on 8 October with a welcome address from AEG’s SVP and chief security officer Matt Bettenhausen, before a 90-minute counter terrorism tabletop exercise for all delegates.

After complimentary hot drinks, smoothies and cookies, the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) run a workshop on cyber security for live events, while a main room panel looks at safeguarding vulnerable groups at shows.

After a sumptuous lunch and extended networking period, it’s back to business with talks on Machine Led Crowd Management, the Erasmus-funded SAFE training project, and The Solution Showdown presents a host of new ideas and products in quickfire format.

As the afternoon continues, our final panel looks at dealing with high risk shows, Sportspalais Antwerp report learnings from a 1,000-person attack simulation, we look at the latest trends in Human Behaviour Research, and Israeli security expert Ofer Grinboim Liron presents a unique approach.

Wrapping up the day with closing remarks is crowd management veteran Mark Hamilton, and by 17:30 we’re all relaxing with a few drinks and nibbles courtesy of those lovely folks at the European Arena Association.

If there’s a better use of an 8-hour period for safety and security professionals, we can’t think of one!

Register here.

The post E3S in 60 seconds appeared first on Event Safety & Security Summit (E3S).